agency expansion academy is back!!

Your self-paced blueprint for building a dream team of pros, streamlining your operations, and unlocking the kind of growth that feels effortless and sustainable.

We are a branding & client experience design studio for travel advisors ready to attract more of their dream clients.
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Your website is your digital storefront so it’s incredibly important as an online-based travel advisor to keep it updated, fresh, and relevant. However, if updating your website sounds daunting, fear not!

Here are 3 easy tips are things that you can complete in 10 minutes or less without having to hire a website professional.

01. Update your website images

Spend an afternoon going through each page of your website and make note of any images that no longer fit your brand. Our favorite place for high-quality royalty free images are Pexels or Unsplash. We also recently invested in a Social Squares membership and we can’t recommend them enough! They just came out with video content too that is perfect for creating quick Reels & video content.

02. Update your website terms and conditions.

Update your website footer copyright for the correct year. “Copyright 2023 – your business name. All rights reserved.” Make sure that they link to the legal pages on your website! Don’t forget to press “Publish” once you are done so that your changes are saved on your website.

Don’t have any legal pages? We get our contract templates from The Legal Paige. Click here to check them out!

03. Refresh your blogs.

Blog content is one of the best ways to boost your website’s SEO. During the end of the year, we like to comb through all of our previous blog posts to cross-reference each other properly. For example, if you posted about a safari experience back in March, go back and link that blog post to other travel inspiration posts that you have made throughout the year. A simple paragraph at the end like “Looking for more travel inspo? Check out (Blog Post Title), (Blog Post Title), and (Blog Post Title)!”

The best thing about blogs is that the content is evergreen meaning that it will live on forever… unlike Instagram. We also love to include links in our monthly newsletters to older blog posts that are still relevant to our community!

BONUS: Add your Google Analytics tracking code to all website pages.

Do you know how many people actually visit your website each day? Week? Month? You should! But if you do not, the good news is that it’s easier to track than you might think. All you have to do is make a free Google Analytics account.

Once you’ve signed up for your free Google Analytics account you will be provided a code, or “tracking ID”, which will be a string of characters that looks like: G-000000 or UA-000000-01. If you have Showit, you will go to the “Site” tab, click “Site Settings”, in the pop up window select “Third Party”, then paste your code in the appropriate field!

Make sure that you setup a monthly or quarterly reminder to review your website tracking data periodically throughout the year.

What website tasks are on your to do list before the end of the year? Share them with us in the comments!

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